Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Keeping and Pondering: A Re-Post from an Earlier Blog

Girlfriends, I LOVE to talk!  I love to share what little bit of news is floating around in my head.  Get me on a roll and it’s hard for me to shut up…especially if it’s something important to me or affecting me in some way.  I mean, seriously, I can make a whole novel out of my encounter with a gnat.  Poor Clay just nods and looks lovingly at me as I know his mind must be wandering somewhere…anywhere…else.  And I cannot blame him one bit. 

It’s hard, especially for me, to keep good information to myself.  If I know something, I want to “share” it.  I want to watch the expression on the other person’s face change to utter shock or disgust or exhilaration.  I want to be the one to get the news out first before someone else can tell it.  And I want to be the one credited with having the most knowledge on any juicy subject. 

So, verses like James 1:26 hit me particularly hard.  “If anyone among you seems to be religious and does not bridle his tongue, he deceives his own heart, and this man’s religion is vain.” 

It’s hard to be quiet.  It’s hard to know something…especially when others are talking about it…and not say a blessed word.  So, I am learning to literally bite my tongue…to clamp down on that vicious little muscle and hold it still.  I am learning to be “swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” James 1:19. 

You know, there was always a small passage in Luke that amazed me.  Mary had just given birth to her son, Jesus Christ, who was the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  She had just had a visit from the shepherds who had miraculously heard the good news from the angels and had found and worshiped the Savior.  She was in a possession of significantly world-changing news.  And you know what she did with it?  “But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.”  Luke 2:19

She KEPT them???  She PONDERED them???  Why didn’t she TELL somebody??? 

Maybe, just maybe, this is one of the greatest lessons a woman can learn from another woman.  What a tremendous example of a woman truly after God’s own heart.  She knew when to remain silent.  And she left that legacy for you and me.  If she could keep and ponder her priceless news, surely I can do the same with my trivial little news from day to day. 

There are times to speak, but there are certainly times to be silent.  And my job is to follow Mary’s example and learn when each of those times is.  Just because I have news and a willing audience, doesn’t mean it is my place to speak.  And just as Mary is an example to me, perhaps, just perhaps, it is my calling to try to be an example and encourager to the other women around me…an example of a “gentle and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price” 1 Peter 3:4.

Quietly Gentled,

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Busting Out of the Closet

Girlfriends, the struggle is real.  My addiction to cute clothes goes way back.  I love shopping and buying the latest fashions.  I have always had multiple closets exploding with clothes as I continually bought more.  I love the thrill of getting a box of new clothes delivered to my door from an online shopping spree or carrying out several bags from the department store!

I see the fashions on TV and, living in a college town, I see the young girls with all the cutest and latest.  And this old gal wants them, too.  I want to be the one that everyone looks at and thinks…“I want to be like her!” or “Isn’t she so stylish in that outfit?!”  It’s a deep, down desire to have really nice, expensive, stylish clothing.

(I say all this while standing here typing in my favorite old sweats…but, nonetheless…)

Until the last few years, this has been my lifestyle.  I still want to look cute (who doesn’t?), but my journey to have a “gentle and quiet spirit” has led me down some crazy paths…some paths I’d rather not have traveled.  This is one of them.

Now when I look in my closet, I wonder what I have that will be pleasing to my Father.  Don’t get me wrong…I still desire to buy beautiful, flashy, fashionable clothes, but now I look for clothes that allow others to focus on my spirit instead of my body.  It’s important for others to notice my countenance, my heart, my characteristics and not my outer beauty.  Sure I want to be pretty.  In fact, if I don’t try to look pretty, I’m letting my husband down…because he married a woman that looked a certain way and to not try to keep up myself for him is just wrong…but that’s a whole new blog in and of itself.

I guess what I’m saying is best summed up in 1 Peter 3: 3-4.

"Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; but let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price."

God never says I can’t have pretty clothes, but He does say that those clothes shouldn’t be all others have to focus on.  And, if the clothes that speak the loudest aren’t in my closet, then I can’t wear them and it’s easier for others to hear my heart.  And that’s why it’s important for my heart to be gentle and quiet…so it will speak kindly to others when they hear it.

Quietly Gentled,

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Gentled Girlfriend: The Blog Title Explained

Girlfriends, throw on your oldest fleece pants (you know, the ones you wouldn’t be caught dead in, but can’t live without) and snuggle into your favorite nook and let me tell you a story…a story about how this blog got its name.

Girlfriends are those dear souls around me that become the voices in my head (yes...I have voices in my head).  They are the ones I don’t mind looking a fool around (which is often).  I never worry about their judgment when sharing taboo information about my most scandalous activities, because they share similar info with me. 

Girlfriends make you stronger and better.  That’s what this blog is about.  Girlfriends.  Sharing.  Building up.  Encouraging.  And the best way I know to do that is to give you an open door into my small struggles and trials as I try very hard to become the woman God would have me to be.

As for the “gentled” part of the blog title, it comes from my most favorite verse in the Bible.  It’s so amazing when I read a verse (for the hundredth time) and it hits me like a ton of bricks.  That’s what happened with 1 Peter chapter 3 where it talks about the characteristics of a godly woman.  Then, I read verse 4.  I’d read this so many times before, but had never paid much attention to the second part of the verse. 

1 Peter 4:4  (Emphasis mine) But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

Even though I went through a shy phase in my life, the real, true, deep-down girl was loud, impetuous, bossy, and confident in her wisdom and the need to share it with others.  I was not born with a gentle or quiet anything.  (Ask my sister.)

So, what was I supposed to do?  A gentle and quiet spirit is of great price in God’s sight.  After significant research, I couldn’t find any other passage that specifically said anything else was of great price in His sight and I realized that if I wanted to please my Father in Heaven I had no other option.  I had to figure out how to be gentle and quiet.  Oh dear.

It reminds me of wild horses that have the strength to overpower anyone around them, but they become gentled when they choose to submit to their masters.  In the same way, my spirit was wild and untamed and had the ability to overpower and trample others around me.  But, now I am learning that, as I submit to the Master’s will, I am slowly becoming a gentle and quiet spirit.

Thus, the title of this blog.  The gentled girlfriend.  It’s a process that God and I are working on together.  And as girlfriends share things that no one else has the privilege of knowing about each other, I plan to share my struggles with you.  Maybe in that way I’ll be an encouragement to you and spare you an agony or two as you avoid my mishaps.  This may not always show me in the best light, but it may be a blessing to you to know that you’re not alone on this path. 

Quietly Gentled,